Blog Candi #1
Take a picture of something pink... trust me, with 4 girls in the house there is more than enough pink to go around! I decided to take a picture of my daughter's HK lamp!

Blog Candi #2
Take a picture of something round... decided to take a picture of my daughter's globe (which was near her lamp).

Blog Candi #3
Take a picture of something you ate today... good thing I didn't eat the whole bag or else I wouldn't be able to take a picture of it.

Blog Candi #4
Take a picture of a plant in your house... this is one of the few plants that I have in the house, luckily it's still alive.

Blog Candi #5
Take a picture of your youngest child's dirty socks... look at Brielle's little HK socks. Aren't they cute?
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