Here are the tags that I made for the staff at DD2 &DD3's school... yup, all 165 of them! They will be attached to the staff's Christmas gift from the PTO this year. I kept them really simple, but I hope the staff will appreciate all the love that went into creating these tags. There are 2 different types of tags. One has a punch border on the bottom and the other doesn't. The reason for this is as I was prepping the tags, my poor punch broke! I don't know why, but lately a few of my punches have been breaking down on me. Do you think it's from over use? LOL! I'm sure that's why, but hey, at least I got my monies worth before they broke down. Okay, enough of the chit chat. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to be back with more to share. I have some projects done. Just need to upload the pictures to blogger, but for some reason I've been having trouble uploading the pictures. Oh well, until next time...